Whether it’s enterprise email, online libraries, intranet, or unified communications that appeals, choosing the plan that’s right for your business is important. Fortunately, Office 365 has ‘mix and match’ capabilities, allowing a single organisation to mix plans seamlessly within a…
Enterprise Email with Office 365
Many small business are still using old-style hosted email, unaware that a far better, affordable alternative is readily available. So what’s wrong with using IMAP or POP connected to a basic email service? Inconsistent experience as you move between devices.…
Introduction to OneDrive for Business
Are you frustrated figuring out where your stuff is? Wondering whether Cloud could be an answer? Battling with using Office 365 effectively? You might also be wondering whether you really need that small business server in the corner. For small…
OneDrive for Business – Considerations and Challenges
In Part 5, the final section in the series on OneDrive for Business, we look at some of the challenges and considerations with the technology. Limit on the number of synchronised files and folders The whopping 1Tb Microsoft allows for…
Create and Share additional Document Libraries in your OneDrive for Business
In Part 4 of the OneDrive for Business series, we look at creating and sharing additional Document Libraries within your OneDrive for Business – and how this can be both powerful and handy. One of the considerations when synchronising document…
OneDrive for Business Unsynchronised
Welcome to Part 3 – taking a good look at Microsoft OneDrive for Business. In the previous post we looked at using OneDrive for Business in ‘Synchronised’ mode. Now we will look at accessing the cloud service direct, and why…
OneDrive for Business – Synchronised Mode
Welcome to Part Two of this OneDrive for Business article. In this section, we take a look at sychronising OneDrive for Business to your Windows desktop. Unsynchronised, OneDrive for Business is a cloud file service accessible over the Internet. In…
OneDrive for Business – Business Opportunity
Welcome to Part One of this OneDrive for Business article. In what way can this technology be useful?… and are there many pitfalls? Microsoft’s OneDrive for Business is an integral part of Office 365, offering subscribers a cloud document library…
How can Office 365 benefit my business?
Office 365 makes a top-quality enterprise-grade service available to all businesses and organisations. The value is most apparent when considering how Office 365 can eliminate the risks presented by the ‘server in the corner’ that many businesses still depend upon…